Monday, February 24, 2014

Bio-essence challenge

Yeah the Bio-essence challenge is back, this time they will challenge you on using the Royal Jelly + ATP Cream.

Two choice of venue as stated below!

The phone number is below, for detail you can give them a call.

Goodie bag is worth RM200 which contain one of 40g Bio Essence products.

Bio-Essence邀请你们参与他们的V脸大挑战!当天,他们将会介绍Bio-Essence青春紧肤霜Royal Jelly + ATP Cream 和当场测量V脸明显效果哦!
就在8/3/2014和9/3/2014,Bio-Essence诚意的邀请你们前来一起见证这神奇效果!同时, 出席者将会得到价值RM200的礼包(内包括一瓶40g的Bio-Essence青春紧肤霜!)


服装要求 :轻便休闲装(Smart Casual)

日期:8/3/2014 (星期六)
地点:AEON Bukit Tinggi, Centre Court
时间:3pm 至5pm


日期:9/3/2014 (星期日)
地点:AEON Metro Prima Kepong Shopping Centre, Centre Court
时间:2pm 至4pm (报到时间在1pm至1.30pm)

Monday, February 17, 2014

Very hot weather, drink more water

I feel lazy to go any places, the weather is very hot. I am taking a glass of water almost each hour. No kidding, I can feel the heat and my eyes are burning while typing here.

Going to rest a while, I need to put fuel for my car. The car fuel is drying up fast too due to the heat!

How nice if there's snow in Malaysia.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Mom's want the best for their child

I believe every mom would want the best for their child. Some moms at school been telling me that they are looking for suitable tuition center. Some of them prefer a single subject for tuition but most centers provide more than one subjects!

Some working parents can afford home tuition for their child but not all of them. Home tuition maybe the best as the teacher will be one to one tuition to the child. But does it worked and give the results in exam? I feel that it depends on each child. No child is the same, some maybe have interest in studies, some are not.

My son loves games and he likes playing Lego too. At night he would be asking me to play with him. Yeah mommy to play with him instead of daddy because he's busy or not back from home yet. We have no plan to go Legoland because it's not cheap to go there, we will need to think of accommodation, food, and other.

By the way there's fashion accessories giveaway, click on the link to find out.