Sunday, February 14, 2010

The day before Chinese New Year

We reached David's home at Friday night, the day before Chinese New Year is Saturday. We have reunion lunch at home, you are looking at beautiful decoration of another home. I am sure this home getting alot attention!

We then have the reunion dinner at a restaurant buffet style. It is at hubby's grandma's place, Sean is very happy to see the kids. Just for your information I not wear any new shoes for Chinese New Year. The pair of shoes that I purchase from Kuching last year will be the one I am wearing.

You are looking at delicious dish that we had before we head back to home town. We stopped by at Seremban to have dinner on Friday night. We also packed the porridge and chicken for David and his family.


  1. wow, that chicken!!! so delicious!!!

  2. hi SK, yeah it is and most customer order again but its sold out.


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