Anybody know about this as it is new to me. My friend bought an item online from Shopee and the kitchen rack came in a box, the top of the kitchen rack has damaged. She told the seller about this matter, then the seller agree to send her just the top of the kitchen rack but asked her to return the damaged part by sending it back using their consignment note.
It's first time she used Poslaju and consignment note as no experienced on this before. She didn't go the pos office herself but ask her nephew to go. But nephew pay the amount RM25 for it even though he told the pos office staff used the consignment note. So the seller ask why pay, when there's consignment note to use.
Now seller need to investigate the matter with Poslaju to find out.
It's first time she used Poslaju and consignment note as no experienced on this before. She didn't go the pos office herself but ask her nephew to go. But nephew pay the amount RM25 for it even though he told the pos office staff used the consignment note. So the seller ask why pay, when there's consignment note to use.
Now seller need to investigate the matter with Poslaju to find out.
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