Sunday, March 3, 2013

Register standard one primary school online

Yeah it is March and time to register your kids for next year standard one class. Permohonnan pendaftaran kemasukan children to standard one primary school 2014 and 2015.

Http:// , there is choice of daerah. Example B10 PPD Petaling Perdana

Kids born on 2.01.2007 to 01.01.2008 or 2.01.2008 to 01.01.2009

Registration from 1 March to 29 March 2013.

Office school open from Mon to Fri from 8am to 12noon.

It would be better you call the school you are interested for more detail.

Document you need bring to school the printing of online form, prove of address electoral bill and or water bill original. Birth cert original and photocopy. Photocopy my kid card and original. Parents photocopy ic and original ic.


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